A Father’s Prayer

Lord, You put me in charge of this family
Help me to lead them humbly and manfully

Thank You for a wife who makes me a better man 
Use me to love her and help me to understand 

As for the three little souls You’ve given to us 
I ask these next things so that in You they’ll trust 

Give me thick skin to weather their childish outbursts 
And a tender heart that comforts all their hurts 

Fill my arms with love that understands how they feel 
And my spine with holy battle-hardened steel

Keep my eyes fixed ahead and free from distraction 
Keep my hands open and ready for action 

Let me be first to confess my own sin
Last to point out any faults in them

Teach me to discipline with a steady, measured hand 
Righteousness comes not through the wrath of man 

Show me when I should step in to protect and intervene 
And when I should step back so as not to be seen 

Don’t let me wound them with things I’ll regret 
Or things I don’t say or do — the wounds of neglect 

They don’t always listen but they never stop watching 
So help me to follow You wherever I’m walking 

I’m just a candle and You are the blazing Sun
So use my dim light to point them to the Shining One 

Save them, Lord. Give them a passion for You 
Use my brokenness to show Your mercies are new 

When the day comes for me to leave them for Glory
Please let my life tell none but Your story 

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  1. Lane, your words and thoughts bring me to my knees. Thank you

  2. Lane,
    What an amazing poem! A great tribute to our savior and a good challenge to fathers and all who are being watched by the next generation!

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