What are we waiting for?

We’ve been asked this question more times than we can count in regards to our house building project recently.

Six weeks ago tomorrow the home mods report that was meticulously created by Lane’s occupational therapist, PM&R (rehab doctor), and general contractor was sent to Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA). In short it was (practically) a small book of Lane’s home modification needs because of his injury. From the amount of extra paint/flooring/drywall needed throughout the entire house, to ramps, to roll-in shower, to ceiling lift, to stair lift, to ADA compliant doorways/halls etc. You get the idea 🙂

We couldn’t be more thankful for the incredibly gifted and caring individuals that spent weeks on the home mods report itself to ensure it adequately portrayed the severity of Lane’s injury. The process of hearing back from MCCA after report submission, we were originally told would take 2-3 weeks. And here we sit at the edge of our seats now almost two months later, still waiting for the answer that will allow us to either start right away, or wait a bit longer to raise more funds. As we’ve been waiting the past 6 weeks, God has been teaching us once again that our timeline is certainly not always His, and how pivotal it is rest in His hand in ALL the details of this house. If He chooses to use this waiting period to draw us nearer to Him in dependence and trust as He has in so much the past four years, then we gladly wait.

This is certainly easier said than done most days. When you think of us will you pray for our patience and peace in this area? There’s not anything more that can be done on our end to speed this report process up, so here we wait. The choice is ours to grumble and complain at how long it’s taking or to continue to submit this major request /process to our all-knowing Father.


Subcontractors Needed…

 Hey All!

Check out this update (link) from a member of our Lane and Emily House Committee, Courtney Byrum. We are so thankful to know that our house building project is really moving forward! In the next couple weeks we hope to purchase property, thanks to so many of you!!

FB Page Link

Trusting in our Father’s plan….

We met with our general contractor this week to talk realistic pricing of the type of home our family will need. With the elevator, extra concrete for a yard walk, amount of basement we’ll need finished for lanes therapy room etc, it was honestly overwhelming to say the least (and this didn’t even include land). We knew it’d be around this price range, we just were reminded that we aren’t in a position financially to comfortably begin the build right away. We know God has brought us this far for a reason and we know this proposed price is before anything is deducted from insurance and all y’all have helped with. I (Emily) especially could use prayer for contentment and patience as I’m the type that likes to stay at task with one thing and focus on that only until it’s finished well. And in my eyes the sooner it gets done the better. We have no timeline yet though and this desire is totally out of our hands until we have the supplies/finances/subcontractors willing to stand beside us. Recognizing this fact is a lot harder some days than others, but know it will be beautiful in the end because God is teaching us trust in another huge way.

Will you join us in praying for our continued patience and trust in this area tonight? And that our house committee would have tons of open doors as they start contacting subcontractors regarding their time & assistance with our house.

Eternally grateful,


House Update: Moving Forward!

It’s been about 3 months since we’ve posted about our house building project. Although the ground hasn’t been broken and some days it seems that the process is taking way longer than anticipated, we’re making baby steps towards our end goal.

Speaking of ground, we’re pretty sure we’ve found the future Lane Bargeron family property! It’s in a great location close to our Michigan family and has nearby access to sidewalks (a plus for Lane’s wheelchair). It’s close to a couple parks and isn’t far from our church, Lane’s therapy facility/ doctors/ Emily’s job etc. are all just a max of 30 minutes away. We hope to move forward with the property purchase (made possible by you dear friends) in August.

As far as the actual house goes, we’ve picked out many of the necessary home selections/accessories, but meet with Lane’s case manager and our general contractor soon to get everything needed accessibility-wise written up and sent via a letter of medical necessity to Lane’s auto insurance so (hopefully) it will be covered. This process can take around 2 weeks after it’s sent from our claims adjuster from Geico to Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association. But if everything that’s necessary isn’t approved, the entire process of writing the letter will need to be started all over again. Please pray that we’d find favor in Geico’s/MCCA’s eyes and that all of Lane’s necessary accommodations would be approved right away (elevator, supplies needed to make doorways/hallways ADA compliant, ramps, therapy room, roll-in shower, yard sidewalk, bigger garage for unloading, etc). Once this step is done we’ll have a better picture of overall costs of the entire house. We have a house committee that has been and will be working on lining up subcontractors and supplies. Our end goal is to do this with as little (preferably no) debt as possible because we have no idea what medical/accessibility costs lay ahead with the nature of Lane’s injury. So finances may be another area that puts the building on pause for a bit while our committee presents our building project to local subcontractors & businesses to see how they can help (via supplies or time). Please pray with us that this step would not hold us back. As you can see via our our fundraiser a major piece of our overall housing cost has already  been provided!!

With our general contractor and committee working side by side with us (and so many of you),  our house is becoming more and more of a reality. God is continuing to provide in incredible ways and is daily teaching Lane and I the importance of patience and trust. We know He has the ultimate timetable in mind and will give us wisdom as we lay the desire of this earthly house at His feet.

Thank YOU for not ceasing to pray for, encourage, and support our little family as we continue to walk this TBI road. It means more than you’ll ever know.


Benefit Dinner

Our dear friends are putting on a benefit celebration dinner on Saturday February 13th. See info below or go to homeforlane.com for more details! We’d love to see you there!

“Come celebrate with us! Agro-Liquid is hosting a catered dinner and silent auction to celebrate the funds that have been raised for Lane and Emily’s house!

Join us at the Agro-Liquid building (3055 W M-21 Saint Johns, 48879) on February 13th at 6:00PM. Admittance fee is $25 per person. Pay at the door.

Due to a much larger amount of interest than we originally planned for, we are asking you to RSVP with your name and the size of your party so we can plan accordingly. There is a maximum of 200 seats in the building. Once we have 200 RSVP’s, we will announce here. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please email your RSVP to homeforlane@gmail.com. We hope to see you there!”

Exciting News!

Just when we think our fundraiser is coming to a stop we are blown away with another person or group’s generosity. Can drives. Bake sales. Salesperson donations. People who don’t know us from Adam simply handing us a check because they’ve heard of our story. Whether it’s been $1 or hundreds, we couldn’t do this without you, friends. Thank you for continuing to stand beside us and make this dream (need) reality. Looking forward to the day my dear husband will be able to carry me over the threshold of our home with no one behind his chair. And the day we’ll be able to hold hands side by side again as LANE guides where we go. Or even better, being able to sit in his lap as he navigates the way. With the size of our current place the practice & consistent use of his power chair simply hasn’t been doable. Also, check out the post below that our friends made on our fundraising page yesterday. We are absolutely thrilled. Thanking God for His perfect provision tonight!
Overwhelmed with gratitude,
“Breaking News!!!! A generous donor has offered to match ALL gifts up to $5,000 or up until Sunday January 24th (whichever comes first)! Don’t miss your chance to double your gift to Lane and Emily this week!
Note: All gifts will be doubled whether the amount is anonymous or not.”

Check out this video that a friend of ours (Ethan Painter) created that gives a glimpse of some exciting things that have been going on as of late! We are so thankful for your ongoing prayer and support!


House for Lane and Emily

We are beyond words grateful for this fundraiser that has begun and is rapidly being spread by so many of you! Thank you foremost for your continued prayer, but also for your unending support now, nearly 3 years post-accident. Lane and I look to Christ daily in thankfulness for the gift of still being able to take on this fleeting life together. Yes, the past 3 years have not been short of tear filled nights and emotionally & physically painful days but we can say in all honesty that they’ve made our bond with our Savior and each other all the more beautiful. One of our most current difficulties has been finding a house within our budget that also meets our extensive accessibility needs. Please check out this site to learn more. We don’t know what tomorrow holds but we sure are thankful we know who holds it. Oh that we would learn to trust Him more. Thank YOU for being willing to be used by our Heavenly Father today!

www.youcaring.com “A House for Lane and Emily”

House Update

“Look at that gorgeous view out the back window, babe. And it has a wonderful open living area and kitchen, as well as an extra room for your therapy!”

As we thought we came across the ideal home for our family (and budget) about a month ago (after two+ months of searching), this was what a piece of our conversation looked like. And so began the endless paperwork of writing an offer, with the greatest contingency being the accessible builder approving that all the needed modifications could take place and insurance approving the modification price (see previous blog post). The offer was accepted but we didn’t fully set our hearts on the house as we had no idea what the extent of the needed modifications would be.

This past week we had the official evaluation of the house done by Lanes OT and accessible builder. It was an incredible learning experience to say the least and we were so grateful for all they did, but by the end of the three hours we were simply exhausted. This past Monday when we received the rough approximate of the modification price we were overwhelmed and pretty surprised. The modifications needed would exceed the price of the house! With this specific house there are non accessible structural issues that we didn’t know existed (garage would have to be widened for the width of our van + ramp and inside stairway moved back so a vertical incline lift could get down the stairway with the height of lane & his chair, just to name a few).

After discussion with Lanes case manager and builder the past few days, we’ve decided to take some time off to consider what to do next. We were told our insurance company will pay nowhere close to the estimated modification fees (for this house) with the Michigan Auto No Fault rulings the past few years so we are left with the choice to submit the report/estimate regardless and get turned down or start our search back up again. And ultimately after this experience we are rethinking whether buying or building would be most wise with our very unique situation in the end.

Even though we are disappointed with the news of this house (most likely) not working out, we do not lose heart. We have so much to look to our faithful Father in thankfulness for, most importantly the things that “moth and rust don’t destroy.” And we aren’t in a hurry to get out of our apartment, we’ll just be grateful to spread out a bit and have adequate space for Lane’s therapy equipment/rehab when we can. Until then, we continue to rest and trust in the all-sufficient One who has brought us thus far. Will you join us in praying for wisdom and direction for what housing situation would be best for our family to pursue at this time?

Eternally thankful,

Emily, for Lane and Nyra

When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2

Prayer Request

With Lane continuing therapy at home in the near future and needing more space for equipment and his continued independence with his power chair etc, we’ve decided that it’s time for our family to begin the house searching process. We’ve found the general area we desire to live in but finding a house that meets our various needs plus being in a great neighborhood (and being within our budget) is not real easy. Will you join us in praying that we will find this home in God’s timing? Lane’s no fault auto insurance is going to assist with modifications to make ONE home completely accessible but we’re having a difficult time finding a house with a very open floor plan with most of the living area on the first floor, as it will need to be one that we are ok with living in indefinitely. And when we do find homes that are this style they are often thousands beyond our budget or would need modifications hugely beyond what insurance will do. Please join us in praying for wisdom. Pray also for our contentment and peace in recognizing that if it is the time we should move, God will provide in whatever ways we need. Even if that means teaching us contentment while we wait and work towards that goal. We SO appreciate and covet your continued support in prayer!