As I write I hear Nyra squeeking with joy while Lane talks to her and mimics different animals sounds in a nearby room. She’s in one of her very favorite spots, daddy’s lap! This momma’s heart is bursting with thankfulness.
Since I last posted we’ve had days filled with cooing, toothless grins, reading countless children’s books aloud, and getting as much cuddle time as we can with our ever growing 3 month old. Amidst the poopy blow outs, spit up covered clothes, and sleepless nights of course. Parenting is no doubt one of the greatest gifts our Father has given Lane and I as we take on this life together. In the mundane days, in the midst of the poopiest diapers and colic filled nights, we are humbled and learning ever SO much. We appreciate your continued prayer as we take on this incredible gift.
In the past two months a few other major things have taken place, one planned, the other not so much. First of all, Lane had a baclofen pump placed and is in the process of getting it adjusted (slowly) to his therapeutic level. We’ve already seen some great results with decreased muscle tone and spasms. His therapists will work with him closely the next few months to get it to the right dosage for him. See previous posts if you don’t know what an itb pump is. Then at the end of February Lane started having extremely high temps and sustained tachycardia (high heart rate). Within a couple hours of going in to Urgent Care one day he was being treated for potential sepsis in the ICU. Thankfully the infection was pretty quickly treated with antibiotics, which they suspected was related to his kidney stone build up. They have been and will continue to address what will be needed to have the stones removed.
As a family we’re learning the importance of “being all there” wherever we are. Whether its an expected hospital visit, spending the day with our daughter at home, interacting with the aids that come and go, striking up a conversation with a neighbor as we get the mail, or in the unexpected moments where we have no idea what will happen next. We are learning to take on life with the strength and grace and joy God has equipped us with in the circumstances of today. As our heavenly Father pours his grace into our lives over and over again we recognize that even in the days where it’s hard to look past the next moment, we are fully equipped. Pray with us that we’d never lose sight of these truths. Some days are most definitely harder than others.
We appreciate each and every one of you that is continuing to keep up with and pray for our family. Know that we will continue to post our happenings here, but as you’ve seen with this post, they won’t be often. Our social media time has hugely decreased since our Nyra was born as she needs every bit of the undivided attention we can give her:) Our family email is if you want to keep in touch more often.
Emily (for the Lane B clan:)
Psalm 90:12
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