House Update

“Look at that gorgeous view out the back window, babe. And it has a wonderful open living area and kitchen, as well as an extra room for your therapy!”

As we thought we came across the ideal home for our family (and budget) about a month ago (after two+ months of searching), this was what a piece of our conversation looked like. And so began the endless paperwork of writing an offer, with the greatest contingency being the accessible builder approving that all the needed modifications could take place and insurance approving the modification price (see previous blog post). The offer was accepted but we didn’t fully set our hearts on the house as we had no idea what the extent of the needed modifications would be.

This past week we had the official evaluation of the house done by Lanes OT and accessible builder. It was an incredible learning experience to say the least and we were so grateful for all they did, but by the end of the three hours we were simply exhausted. This past Monday when we received the rough approximate of the modification price we were overwhelmed and pretty surprised. The modifications needed would exceed the price of the house! With this specific house there are non accessible structural issues that we didn’t know existed (garage would have to be widened for the width of our van + ramp and inside stairway moved back so a vertical incline lift could get down the stairway with the height of lane & his chair, just to name a few).

After discussion with Lanes case manager and builder the past few days, we’ve decided to take some time off to consider what to do next. We were told our insurance company will pay nowhere close to the estimated modification fees (for this house) with the Michigan Auto No Fault rulings the past few years so we are left with the choice to submit the report/estimate regardless and get turned down or start our search back up again. And ultimately after this experience we are rethinking whether buying or building would be most wise with our very unique situation in the end.

Even though we are disappointed with the news of this house (most likely) not working out, we do not lose heart. We have so much to look to our faithful Father in thankfulness for, most importantly the things that “moth and rust don’t destroy.” And we aren’t in a hurry to get out of our apartment, we’ll just be grateful to spread out a bit and have adequate space for Lane’s therapy equipment/rehab when we can. Until then, we continue to rest and trust in the all-sufficient One who has brought us thus far. Will you join us in praying for wisdom and direction for what housing situation would be best for our family to pursue at this time?

Eternally thankful,

Emily, for Lane and Nyra

When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2

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  1. Hi Lane & Emily! A thought came to mind as I read your post. There's a family in DeWitt that visited FBC a couple times. They have a daughter with mobility needs and had to move into a new home to meet those needs. He also works in real estate though, perhaps he could offer some new ideas? Here's his contact information We continue to pray for your search & decision making process!

  2. Emily, we have a home in Cascade that we have considered selling. Accessible. Would you be interested?

  3. Emily, we have a home in Cascade that we have considered selling. Accessible. Would you be interested?

  4. God bless your searching. Something you might consider, maybe already have, is a condo. Our kids are just realizing the costs in time, responsibility and financial, of owning a home are a game changer! Lawn and maintenance are often not the responsibility of the condo owner, and they are built, oftentimes with wide ness and "helps" in mind. Blessings- G. Miloch

  5. Hi Emily, Lane, and Nyra. I've been on your prayer team for a while! Where can we send a gift for Nyra, Emily? Thanks much. Jeanine Simpson

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