“The Lord is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26
God’s word is a precious breath of fresh air every moment of every day, but the past couple days we’ve clung to passages like these as we were thrust into hospital mode once again. Lane was discharged from St. Mary’s around 3:30 yesterday afternoon, stone free and able to pee. As is common after the surgical removal of a kidney stone, he had some difficulties voiding immediately after the procedure so a catheter was placed on Friday night. Saturday it was removed and they ensured his ‘pipes’ were working independently before he left. Once we got back to Hope though, he couldn’t go again. So his urologist said he needs a catheter again placed for a few more days to allow the urinary tract spasms to subside. So at about 9p last night Lane was very gratefully relieved once again. There is nothing like having a full bladder and not being able to empty it.
Taking it real easy today and spending more precious time together in God’s word. Our only true peace, certainty, and hope as our feeble physical bodies are ill or well.
Thank you for continuing to lift us up in prayer. It’s been a very long 12+ months of being away from our earthly ‘home’, but in all honestly its given us a greater perspective and longing for our true residence with Christ.
Resting in the all sufficient arms of our Savior today,
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