As the days grow closer to us leaving hospital/rehab life there are many aspects that THRILL us, but some that are incredibly daunting.
Today we met with Lane’s case manager and are so grateful for her wisdom and desire to be our advocate in ways we simply wouldn’t know where to start. The area of auto nof fault has been a tremendous blessing up until now (and will continue to be). Based on a recent Supreme Court case though they’ve been buckling down in a lot of areas, one of these things being vehicles. Our case manager said insurance will pay for all medical/therapy related transportation, but will not pay for a vehicle otherwise except the parts that are necessary for Lane’s mobility (lift/ramp etc). So she said it’d probably be wise rather than us paying $2,500/month for a rental vehicle, to save to eventually buy a ramp van. We’ve learned to question aspects of insurance when we are able, but recognize when its an area that the law simply will allow no exceptions. Unfortunately this ‘vehicle’ area is becoming one of them. As a young married couple we drove a relatively cheep, small dodge. We didn’t have to buy a bigger vehicle that had to accommodate a lift or ramp to go out and enjoy anything to do with life outside the hospital. But this is what is before us, and because it’s our desire for Lane to have as much independence as possible in his power chair (which requires a vehicle with a ramp), this is what we are going to save for and most likely purchase eventually. The most frightening aspect of this endeavor is obviously the cost, averaging 40-60 thousand dollars for a relatively new accessible ramp van. The second most daunting aspect is until we buy or rent one, we’ll depend on other transportation to get us around for everything (we are so ready & desire to be independent in this area). So we’re praying that this week Lane’s auto insurance will ultimately see the astronomical prices of the medical transportation and simply provide us with a rental van for the time being (which would be saving them SO much money) so that we can save in this area to buy one eventually.
Will you join us in this prayer? Also pray that we’ll have peace regardless of the outcome, and that we’d trust the One who’s faithfully gone before us every step of this journey. He alone knows our needs, fears, and desires, but also has what’s best in mind.
God knows, we will trust.
Thank you for joining us prayer this week, and for your ongoing encouragement and support. It means so much to us.
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In the name of Jesus I join you in this prayer…..