
Words can’t adequately describe how thankful we are for our FBC (and physical) family & community that’s loved on, supported, & encouraged us the past 5 weeks as we’ve adjusted to our precious Lael. Her first few weeks were especially challenging as we navigated her feeding needs while having inconsistent caregiver coverage for Lane. But God revealed His strength & perfect provision through all of you and we are moved to tears as we ponder what He’s done! Here’s just one example of the many ways y’all have encouraged us, the men who raked our yard last week.

To those of you that brought or sent us meals/diapers/clothes, helped with our other kiddos, arranged for cleaning, raked leaves, removed snow, lifted us up in prayer, or did anything else I didn’t mention the past 5 weeks and beyond…THANK YOU! It has certainly made the difficulties of this season lighter & given us more time to enjoy these precious fleeting moments with our newborn.

I’ll close with a recent photo of our sweet Lael, with her adoring big sister❤️

With love & gratitude,

Emily, for the whole Lane Bargeron crew

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