Ground Breaking Day!

We officially broke ground on our land today! 
Stay tuned for updates to come in the following months as our house is built. We’d appreciate prayer for safety of the builders, no setbacks during the building process, and that we’d have the right subcontractors lined up at the right times. Also that we’d be able to finish debt free, a major desire of ours especially with the nature of Lane’s injury and the amount of medical attention that’s been necessary thus far. See for updates on the fundraising process. Our House Committee is doing a terrific job at keeping this site updated and letting people know how they can tangibly assist in the building of our home!
We appreciate you, friends and family, and hope you have a wonderful Christmas as you celebrate our Emmanuel!

New Season, New Opportunity For Growth..

We got our first official stick-to-the-ground snow yesterday (in Mid Michigan at least). Also the first official snow to require shovels and windshield scrapers in order to safely leave our parking lot. Can I just say this is one more huge thing I’m looking forward to not doing (with having a garage) next Winter? Growing up I loved shoveling the driveway, scraping snow off my parents cars etc…but also had 5 siblings that were just as eager & able as I. I don’t say this desiring pity on any level, just being honest. Lane too is immensely grateful (probably more than I am) that this task will be taken off my list, yet another thing that he used to do without question. Some nights it’s too easy to sit and mentally count what we miss and would do about anything to have back for any amount of time. We know and recognize this is ok and 100% normal as long as it doesn’t lead to bitterness, discontent, or lack of trust in God’s much grander plan. Will you pray for us in this area tonight? We are so thankful that having a toddler brings a whole new beauty & wonder to this fascinating season, but it’s a hard one nonetheless.

Tomorrow is a BIG day. One we’ve been looking forward to for a long time. We meet with our general contractor aka mastermind, Tom Motz, and excavator to talk breaking ground. We are absolutely thrilled we’ve reached this point.

At the same time it’s a step of faith because we haven’t yet reached our end financial goal to complete the house. Just the other day as we were reviewing the floor plan/barrier free modifications and turning space needed for Lane’s Power wheelchair we realized there wasn’t enough room in the garage. After speaking with Tom & our floor designer Brian the best solution they found was adding 4 feet. It’s what will be necessary long term but it also means our project cost just increased by another $8,000.

We can’t express enough how grateful we are for each of your parts in getting us where we are today. Please don’t cease to pray for us. For contentment, peace, wisdom. And the ability to rest in the sufficient & perfect plan of our Father above all.

Fixing our eyes upward,
Emily (for Lane and Nyra too)