
As I write this on Thanksgiving Day, a number of things come to mind for which we are thankful. I’m not going to take the time to write them all out (though that’s probably a good thing to do now and again), but thought it might be good to share a couple things here.

We’re thankful to look back on the past year and see God’s provision for us. I don’t mean just with the house and the fundraiser and insurance, etc. All of that has been God providing for us, no question. But we’ve seen his provision for us in so many other ways this year as well. Emily’s job, our apartment now, a fantastic caregiving agency, a new and effective rehab facility, to name some of the more obvious things.

Mainly I wanted to write to tell you how thankful we are for you all. We’re thankful for you praying for us, supporting us, following us through these first few years of life with a disability. Thank you.



We got an email today from my case manager about the house. Know what it said? The home modifications we submitted to insurance are going to be covered 100%!

After having to wait for two months to hear back about whether or not insurance would pay for the modifications necessary for the house to accommodate my disability, we were relieved and elated to hear today they will cover all we asked them for! We had been worried because there was always a good chance they would only accept a portion of what we proposed (or flat out deny us all of it).

With this new development, not only has an enormous weight been lifted off our shoulders, but we’re one big step closer to finally having a house! The fundraiser that our dear friends put on for us is now in the second phase – check out the latest update on

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers. God has been teaching us a lot through our circumstances – the easy ones and the tough ones. He’s been teaching but we haven’t always been learning. Would you pray for our humility and contentment in whatever God gives us (or doesn’t give us)? I guess it’s hard to learn if you don’t think you need to…

Peace out,