Trusting in our Father’s plan….

We met with our general contractor this week to talk realistic pricing of the type of home our family will need. With the elevator, extra concrete for a yard walk, amount of basement we’ll need finished for lanes therapy room etc, it was honestly overwhelming to say the least (and this didn’t even include land). We knew it’d be around this price range, we just were reminded that we aren’t in a position financially to comfortably begin the build right away. We know God has brought us this far for a reason and we know this proposed price is before anything is deducted from insurance and all y’all have helped with. I (Emily) especially could use prayer for contentment and patience as I’m the type that likes to stay at task with one thing and focus on that only until it’s finished well. And in my eyes the sooner it gets done the better. We have no timeline yet though and this desire is totally out of our hands until we have the supplies/finances/subcontractors willing to stand beside us. Recognizing this fact is a lot harder some days than others, but know it will be beautiful in the end because God is teaching us trust in another huge way.

Will you join us in praying for our continued patience and trust in this area tonight? And that our house committee would have tons of open doors as they start contacting subcontractors regarding their time & assistance with our house.

Eternally grateful,


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