2 Years.

Today we celebrate 2 beautiful years of marriage.

It’d honestly be very difficult to sum up the past 24 months in a few sentences, so I thought I’d post some pictures that are worth much more than words. My favorite is the one of our vows (last picture), a frame that we’ve had in our bedroom  (and hospital rooms:) since we were married. We decided to each write ours out, which has been SO special to look back on, especially during this time that Lane hasn’t been able to write.

As you can tell by some of the pictures taken this weekend, Lane is doing much better and has been seizure free since his hospitalization last week (WOOHOO!). We were actually able to be on the panel at the annual West Michigan Brain Injury Symposium this past Thursday, where we answered questions on Lane’s specific TBI journey. It was pretty neat. Then we stayed at the same hotel in GR we stayed after our wedding for the rest of the weekend. SO fun.


                                                             First summer married:)


ICU after our accident

1 year anniversary (at Mary Free Bed)

 These two were taken at the WMBIN Symposium this past weekend. It was a privilege to be a voice and encouragement to the health professionals and TBI survivors there. The top is of Lane and I during the Q & A time and the bottom is the MFB advertisement page in the Symposium program.

                                            2 year anniversary at the Holland Tulip Festival!

Gorgeous view from our hotel window

The rest (minus the last) are pics of this past weekend…loving precious time together!

(This one I couldn’t not post. So cool)

                        Beautiful flowers from my man:)

Thank you for your continued love, prayer, and support dear family and friends,

Lane and Emily

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1 Comment

  1. "What therefore God has joined together . . ." The smiles tell what only God can do in this most unusual two years of your lives. Congratulations!

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