Sleep Study Update (part 2)

Just received Lane’s sleep study results! The really good news is that Lane’s breathing and oxygen levels are not what is disrupting his sleep. They said it’s considered sleep disrupted breathing when the person completely or partially stops breathing 5 times or more an hour during the study and the most Lane did was 0.9/hr. Lane’s oxygen levels also averaged 96% and his lowest 02 saturation throughout the night was 92% (on the low end of normal). Like I said, this is wonderful news, but we still have no idea what is causing his lack of sleep. We’ll be addressing this with his PCP and physiatrist soon, but our guess is that the culprit is simply his TBI:( His sleep doctor did prescribe a med that is starting to help him sleep deeper, which we’re praying continues to work and improve.

We’re stoked that the weekend is here after a long week of work and therapy for us both. This spring weather we’re starting to have is a HUGE perk too. And this spring we’ll actually be able to go outside and enjoy it:) Thanks for your continued prayer and support. It means more than you’ll ever know.



“You will keep him in perfect peace who’s mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting strength.” Isaiah 26:3-4

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