Lane’s Voice Update.

Today we went to see an ENT specialist in Detroit. Lane’s breath support and vocal quality has been significantly diminished since the injury, so this was something we wanted to investigate. The Otolaryngologist took a video of his vocal chords/ trachea and discovered NO abnormalities! He said it’s what non injured vocal chords should look like and was not worried about any obstruction, scar tissue, or collapsing of the trachea because Lane is having no trouble with his normal breathing (or noise). This has left us with one more possibility ruled out, which we are grateful for. The specialist today was pretty certain it has to do with a weak diaphragm (which we had thought because of what improves his voice), so he referred Lane to a Speech therapist that specializes in voice as well as a pulmonologist.

Please pray with us as we look into this and find specific specialists to help Lane in this area. Lane has so much wisdom and so much to say. If you’ve met him, you know this. When he has to repeat himself several times for those that are listening its discouraging, understandably. Pray for peace, and that we’d find ways to strengthen his vocal volume. It may seem insignificant compared to everything else that has gone on, but I miss singing (belting:) our voices hoarse as we drove down the road…or hearing him sing in the shower…or simply singing songs of worship together. Thankful that his trachea/vocal chords are not what’s causing this difficulty.

 The Doctor left us with tremendously happy hearts as he spoke these 7 simple words today.

“Lane, we’ll get your voice back again.”

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  1. I'm grateful with you and will be praying with you too.

  2. Those words are tremendously encouraging! Prayers for the correct individuals on the recovery path!

  3. We will all agree in prayer :):2 or MORE!!!

  4. Exodus 4:10-11 "But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” Then the Lord said to him, “Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?"

    Between God's Word and your doctor's words and the prayers of the saints – such hope!

  5. That's terrific. From part of your cheering section in Cleveland!

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