As we are at our ‘weekend home’ this weekend we’re reminded of what life will be like in just a matter of weeks. It will be a big transition with its challenges for sure, but more than anything we’re so ready to begin life together outside inpatient rehab facilities or hospitals once again. I can’t begin to express in words how thrilled we are for this next step.
Based on talking with Lane’s therapists, social worker, and case manager, they think we are very ready for this step. Lane won’t be done with therapy by any means. As of now he plans on doing outpatient rehab at the Lansing Hope Network, but also possibly taking on PT at a more intensive rehab facility specifically for brain injuries and spinal cord injuries in the Grand Blanc area (commuting there a couple times a week).
Last night we were able to tour a few apartments in the Lansing area and are pretty sure we found the one that we are going to be calling home for the next however many months (or years:). It’s beautiful, accessible, and close to both our jobs–Lane’s therapy and my homecare work. We are SO excited. Early this next week we’ll be getting Lane’s official discharge date from Hope, depending on some loose ends that need to be tied up. They are guessing 2-3 weeks!
Tomorrow we are celebrating the birthday of one of our precious nieces, Alice Joy. Remembering with much gratefulness the smiles and joy she brought to us when we first met her last year at Mary Free Bed…and the joy she continues to bring:) I’ve included a pic of her and Lane around this time last year.
Hope Network recently had a video made in celebration of 50 years. We are just one of the families that has benefited from their incredible work and devotion. Check out the man on the cover:)
We so appreciate your continued love, prayer, and support as we have many transitions ahead.
Alice with her Uncle Lane who was sporting his mustache in March last year:)
1 Comment
I watched the video and was so blessed by it. Not only because Lane and Emily are in it, but by the message of hope and love that is sent. Thank you for sharing.