Baclofen trial postponed

After much vomiting, nausea and stomach/flank pain last night, Lane was once again admitted to St. Mary’s at about 2 am this morning. They discovered a large kidney stone that needed to pass and decided to admit him for monitoring for 24-48 hours, as his vitals were pretty high throughout the morning. Within a few hours Lane’s urologist stopped by and said his stone was so large he recommended getting it removed via ureteroscope and that he could do it within a few hours! Lane decided to go with this removal procedure, which his surgeon said was the smart way to go especially with his history of kidney problems. Within half hour of having the stone removed, his vitals were back to his baseline and are staying there! We are SO grateful that this hospital stay has not been related to infection. We covet your continued prayers though. Join us in praying there will be no further complications and that no further stones will form. And that we’ll both get GOOD rest tonight. Neither of us slept until about 4 am today once Lane was ‘settled’ into his room at the ER.

 Because of all this the baclofen pump trial has been postponed, we’ll find out next week until when.

 So grateful to be at my courageous man’s today. He has been through so so much.  As lane reminded me once again last night, “God knows, we will trust.”


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