One year out of the (Cleveland) ICU

One year ago today I kissed Lane goodbye as he was wheeled onto an ambulance for the last time…we were LEAVING  the Cleveland St. John ICU and headed to MICHIGAN! At that point we still had no idea if or when he would talk, move, or what his level of cognitive function would be. Praising God for all that has taken place this past year!! Below is a portion of my journal entry to Lane that day.

“It’s been 20 days since our accident and just over 2 hours ago I waved goodbye to you on your ambulance back to Michigan! Praising God and rejoicing in His hand for where He’s brought you since the most frightening night of my life as they were unsure you’d live through brain surgery. Each day since has been a walk of faith for me as I’ve wept and struggled with why this would happen to us, but God has faithfully held me, strengthened me, and given me peace as I’ve walked each moment. Yesterday was a huge milestone as you laughed, smiled, and cried for the first time. You laughed at one of your techs, Rosita as she sang to you and called you ‘her chalupa:)’ Your expression of emotion is a beautiful gift to me. How I long to hear your voice. The trach will hopefully be coming out soon! “

Remembering and rejoicing today,


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