Christmas Time is Here!

Well the semester has come to a close, leaving us with about a month of rest and relaxation.  Emily and I are very much looking forward to kicking back with our families and friends.  We’re up at the farm in St. Johns right now, spending about a week with the Davises and thoroughly enjoying ourselves.  Yesterday we went to see The Hobbit (after we did some Christmas shopping), and this morning we were pleasantly surprised to see snow on the ground!  We’re hoping it’ll stay that way next week for our first Christmas together. ImageAfter Christmas we’ll be headed down to my family’s place in North Carolina, where we’ll be trading off snow boots for short sleeves.  My parents will be taking off out West to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, so Emily and I will be chilling with my siblings for a few days of teenage/preteen/kid sitting before they get back.  We will rule with hot chocolate and an iron fist.

While we are welcoming this break with open arms, we both have greatly treasured this semester and grown as a result of it.  God has been faithful to Emily to reveal His truth (particularly, she’s found, through Romans), and has been specifically challenging her to live it out in her workplace, the hospital.  God has been working in me as well as I’m learning how daily to interact lovingly with co-workers, and He’s also revealed more of His heart for the world through my Perspectives class (which I finished early this month).

We hope everyone enjoys Christmas and remembers the Truth of the Word, instead of commercials and advertisements.  Keep it real.

Lane (for Emily too)

Lane carting away our first Christmas tree.
Emily, the Master Popcorn Stringess
Getting ready to see The Hobbit
Lane’s buddy Peter
Emily and her sister Elizabeth whipping up some goodies